Wiltshire is set to experience a rise in temperatures as well as thunderstorms for the upcoming bank holiday weekend.

According to the BBC weather forecast, the Wiltshire town is to see a warming in temperatures throughout Saturday to Monday.

The weather is not set to stay pleasant all throughout the long weekend though as there are several hours of thunderstorms predicted for Saturday afternoon.

Sunshine will prevail as the weekend goes on though with sunshine expected for both Sunday and Monday.

The latest hour-by-hour forecast for the bank holiday weekend in Swindon is as follows:


12AM to 3AM – Highs of 11°

3AM to 8AM – Highs of 9° and misty

8AM to 11AM – Highs of 13° and sunny

11AM to 3PM – Highs of 16° and cloudy

3PM to 9PM – Highs of 17° and thunderstorms

9PM to 12AM – Highs of 13° and rainy


12AM to 5AM – Highs of 11° and rainy

5AM to 9AM - Highs of 10° and cloudy

9AM to 2PM - Highs of 15° and sunny

2PM to 4PM – Highs of 16° and clear

4PM to 9PM – Highs of 15° and sunny with light rain showers and light winds

9PM to 12AM – Highs of 13° and light rain showers


12AM to 10AM – Highs of 11° and cloudy

10AM to 1PM - Highs of 14° and cloudy

1PM to 7PM – Highs of 16° and sunny intervals with a gentle breeze

7PM to 9PM – Highs of 15° and sunny

9PM to 12AM – Highs of 12°