Villagers packed out a public meeting to object strongly to plans for a McDonald’s drive-thru restaurant on the edge of Hilperton.

They have sent a clear message to the UK’s largest fast food chain to say ‘we're NOT lovin it’.

Strong opposition is piling up to the US company’s plans to build the drive thru on a greenfield site at Paxcroft Mead bordering Hilperton Drive and the A361.

Wiltshire Times: Around 200 people attended a packed public meeting at Hilperton Village Hall to voice strong opposition to plans for a McDonald's drive-thru restaurant. Photo: Bill KingsmillAround 200 people attended a packed public meeting at Hilperton Village Hall to voice strong opposition to plans for a McDonald's drive-thru restaurant. Photo: Bill Kingsmill (Image: Bill Kingsmill)

Up to 200 people packed a public meeting at Hilperton Village Hall on Tuesday evening with more queuing in the car park outside unable to get in.

Hilperton Parish Council chairman Ernie Clark said: “It was great to see so many people turn out for a public meeting and the village coming together to make their feelings known when something contentious happens.”

Mr Clark said they had expected 40-50 people to attend the public forum before Hilperton Parish Council held an extraordinary meeting to discuss the plans and register its own objections.

Wiltshire Times: Around 200 people attended a packed public meeting at Hilperton Village Hall to voice strong opposition to plans for a McDonald's drive-thru restaurant. Photo: Bill KingsmillAround 200 people attended a packed public meeting at Hilperton Village Hall to voice strong opposition to plans for a McDonald's drive-thru restaurant. Photo: Bill Kingsmill (Image: Bill Kingsmill)

No-one from McDonald's attended the meeting and the company has not consulted the parish council or residents about its plans.

“I asked if anyone wished to speak in favour of the planning applications but nobody at the meeting spoke for it, which was a shame,” Cllr Clark added.

Cllr Mel Jacob, the Wiltshire Council ward member for Trowbridge Paxcroft, said: “There was a huge turnout for the meeting about the planning application for McDonald’s in Hilperton last night. 

“There was overwhelming opposition for this application with people concerned about traffic, litter and noise, as well as impact on the environment.

“I think that this is a challenging location for people to accept as it’s not in an already developed area - it’s currently green space. There are potential issues in terms of litter and traffic and the impression this creates entering the town/village. 

“There are also the issues around health linked to McDonald’s and fast food but I know this is a popular choice for many.”

Four planning applications have been submitted by McDonald’s for the site. Three relate to advertising signage, whilst the fourth is for a drive-through restaurant with parking and landscaping.

Wiltshire Times: A drobne photograph of the site for the proposed McDonald's drive-thru restaurant at Hilperton. Photo: Bill KingsmillA drobne photograph of the site for the proposed McDonald's drive-thru restaurant at Hilperton. Photo: Bill Kingsmill (Image: Bill Kingsmill)

McDonald’s Restaurants Ltd wants to build a 356sqm freestanding restaurant with a drive-thru facility on land to the east of Hilperton Drive and the A361 roundabout.

It would also include parking spaces for up to 45 vehicles and eight bicycles, landscaping and associated works, plus customer order displays and an indoor ‘Playland’ play frame for children.

The new facility would employ 30 full-time and 90 part-time staff, equivalent to 62 people full-time, and would open 24-hours a day. The site is currently owned by Gallagher Estates of Warwick.

Plans for a petrol filling station next to the proposed drive-thru formed part of an earlier proposal which has now been dropped.

Wiltshire Times: Villagers have tied a notice with QR codes enabling people to object to the McDonald's proposed drive-thru restaurant above the planning notices for the applications. Photo: Bill KingsmillVillagers have tied a notice with QR codes enabling people to object to the McDonald's proposed drive-thru restaurant above the planning notices for the applications. Photo: Bill Kingsmill (Image: Bill Kingsmill)

Hilperton Parish Council voted to object to the applications, which were also discussed by Trowbridge councillors who attended Tuesday’s town development meeting.

The Trowbridge councillors have asked the council’s chief executive Lance Allan to draft a statement on the scheme to submit to Wiltshire Council.

Hilperton residents have objected to the potential for an increase in traffic, point-to-point racing, light pollution, noise, smells, litter causing rats and seagull infestation.

They also claim it has the potential to cause harm to local wildlife, particularly bats and badgers who frequent the site.

A spokesperson for McDonald's Restaurants Ltd said: “We will take into consideration the feedback from the Hilperton community and further clarify our position on these points, should we receive a planning committee date.”

To comment on the plans, use references PL/2023/05469, PL/2023/05554, PL/2023/05555 and PL/2023/05556.

The deadline for comments is Friday, August 18. Wiltshire Council hopes to decide the application by October 10.