A Wiltshire councillor has ‘called in’ plans by fast food giant McDonald’s to build a drive-thru restaurant at Hilperton.

The actions of Hilperton Parish Council chairman Ernie Clark, who is also a Wiltshire councillor, means the plans will be decided by members of Wiltshire Council's western area planning committee, rather than being decided by planning officers.

McDonald’s Restaurants wants to build the 24-hour drive-thru on land to the east of Hilperton Drive and the A361 next to Paxcroft Farm.

But hundreds of residents in Hilperton have already objected to the drive-thru, saying it will lead to an increase in light pollution, traffic, smells and litter.

Cllr Clark said: “This site will not be commercially viable if it is expected to survive on existing ‘drive-by’ traffic. It will become a destination in its own right.

“Accordingly, the WC Climate Change Team will presumably be concerned about the possible impact of pollution on its efforts to reduce carbon emissions as it is trying to encourage more people to walk, cycle, and use public transport.

“Only two bus routes serve the site and these cease at about 19.00 hours. There is NO service at all on a Sunday or Bank Holiday.

“There are no footpaths from the nearest bus stops to the application site. The site will be totally car-dependent and thus not sustainable.”

He also says the applications pose a serious risk to three endangered bat species living in the area and should be refused.

Hilperton Parish Council clerk Marylyn Timms said: “Hilperton Parish Council strongly objects to all the above applications. The council is seeking professional advice before submitting a lengthier objection.

“As this application has been 'called in' by our local Wiltshire Council member, the Parish Council understands that there is no 'time limit' on sending comments to Wiltshire Council. Nonetheless, the formal objection will be sent as soon as possible.”

The Council for the Protection of Rural England in Wiltshire and Semington Parish Council have also objected to the plans.

Although not within its boundary, Trowbridge Town Council says they are contrary to Wiltshire Council’s planning policy.

Trowbridge MP Dr Andrew Murrison and Trowbridge Chamber of Commerce have also voiced their opposition.

Those in favour of the scheme say it will create up to 120 jobs for young people and relieve the pressure on the McDonald’s drive-thru on the Spitfire Retail Park on the Bradley Road in Trowbridge.

A McDonald's spokesperson said: “We will take into consideration the feedback from the Hilperton community and further clarify our position on these points, should we receive a planning committee date.”