Plans to build 31 new homes in one of Wiltshire's best-kept villages could lead to traffic problems, it has been claimed.

Some residents say the Ashford Homes development on land north of Westbury Road and west of Court Orchard in picturesque Bratton could potentially cause a huge problem in access to the B3098.

One resident, Andrew Sladen, says it could be an “accident waiting to happen” as occupants of the new homes try to drive in and out.

At an extraordinary meeting on September 28, Bratton Parish Council resolved to object to the proposed development.

The last day for comments on the reserved matters plans submitted by planning consultant Chris Beaver, of Planning Sphere Ltd in Bath, and Ashford Homes SW Ltd of Bradford on Avon, was Tuesday, October 3.

More than 80 residents packed into the Jubilee Village Hall to hear more details of the plans to build more homes in this year’s Wiltshire CPRE best-kept large village.

One resident who attended, Andrew Sladen, said: “Court Lane and the footpath leading to it coming out opposite Bury Lane are a potential huge problem and an accident waiting to happen.

“Court Lane already has many residents’ cars parked in it often illegally parked opposite the junction with Bury Lane.

“If parking is restricted within the development, residents will certainly park in the nearest places which means Court Lane and Rosenheim Rise.

“Rosenheim is entirely residential but Court Lane is a main thoroughfare and despite the recent 20mph speed limit is already dangerous.”

Bratton parish councillors had already voiced concerns about the proposed development before objecting to the latest planning application.

They fear it could cause safety issues on the main approach road into the village and the entrance to the proposed site.

Local Wiltshire ward councillor Suzanne Wickham initially called in the plans but later rescinded her action after receiving assurances that additional road safety features had been included.

Site owners Mr and Mrs Miller engaged Planning Sphere Ltd to submit the application to build on the 4.5-acre site in May, 2021.

Outline planning application for the new homes was granted by Wiltshire Council in October 2022, subject to 20 conditions.

Seven of the 31 new homes would be sold on the open market, while 24 will be made available for affordable social housing and shared ownership.

Wiltshire Council is expected to decide the latest application by Tuesday, November 28.