ONE of Wiltshire’s best-known press photographers has been honoured by his trade union having clocked up more than 40 years of continuous membership.

For once Trevor Porter is the subject of our story and in the picture, rather than the man taking it as he has so often done over four decades.

As well as working freelance Trevor has for many years been synonymous with Newsquest titles the Wiltshire Times and the Gazette and Herald.

He was awarded life membership of the National Union of Journalists, having clocked up the impressive milestone of work.

He was presented with a life member certificate by James Garrett, a life member and chair of the NJU’s South West England Branch.

Colleagues from west Wiltshire and across the region came together to celebrate with him at The Pump, Trowbridge’s iconic music venue behind The Lamb Inn in Mortimer Street.

Wiltshire Times: Press photographer Trevor Porter with his NUJ Life Membership certificatePress photographer Trevor Porter with his NUJ Life Membership certificate (Image: NUJ South West of England Branch)

Mr Garrett said: "At a time of far-reaching change in the way news is reported it remains as important as ever that local news media can call on journalists who know their patch intimately.

"Trevor spent 15 years as a freelance photographer before joining the Wiltshire Times in 1999. Across his 40 years in the business, there will be few stories in west Wiltshire that he hasn't covered."

Trevor started out photographing fast-moving cars on rallies while covering his lifetime interest in motorsport.

The last time he received an award, Trevor was flown to Virginia, USA, to be feted by Gannett, owners of the paper's publisher, Newsquest.

Trevor said he was honoured to receive the recognition.

"It’s been a job that I really enjoy, meeting so many interesting people, not only in Wiltshire but also further afield," he said.

His role has taken him to many trouble spots in the world covering ‘local boy’ stories with military attachments in the county including Afghanistan, Sierra Leone, Kosovo, Bosnia, Iraq, Cyprus and Switzerland.

“I have been very fortunate to have had the opportunity to travel but what I have enjoyed most is covering the stories here in my home county.

"I have won a few awards along the way, including a triple award from the NUJ three years on the trot."

Editor of the Wiltshire Times and Gazette & Herald, Daniel Chipperfield, said Trevor was a huge asset to the paper and, by extension, the town.

"It has been a blessing having somebody so knowledgeable and committed to their local area as Trevor," he said.

"There can be few people in Trowbridge that either don't know him or have not had their picture taken by him!

"I am thankful for all of Trevor's hard work and dedication and glad he is getting this thoroughly-deserved recognition."