Trowbridge Civic Society is splashing out a three-figure sum to replace a historic flood level plaque commemorating flooding in the town 130 years ago.

The plaque was stolen by someone in November or December last year and was attached to a property in Stallard Street close to the River Biss.

The plaque commemorated the great flood in Trowbridge on November 14 1894 and marked the level that the water reached when the River Biss burst its banks and flooded the area between Wicker Hill and Stallard Street.

Wiltshire Times: The Trowbridge flood marker plaque that was stolen. Photo: Trevor Porter The Trowbridge flood marker plaque that was stolen. Photo: Trevor Porter (Image: Trevor Porter)

Because of its historic value, the then Urban District Council had a duplicate sign made but that was stolen last year.

Glyn Bridges, the chair of Trowbridge Civic Society, appealed for its return but has received no response.

Wiltshire Times: The gap lefdt by the stolen flood lervel marker plaque. Photo:Trevor Porter 70438-1The gap lefdt by the stolen flood lervel marker plaque. Photo:Trevor Porter 70438-1 (Image: Trevor Porter)

He said: “The original plaque was made of cast iron but we are commissioning a replacement in aluminium from a company in Melksham.

“It is likely to cost a three-figure sum and when made we are going to attach it with security screws in place of the plaque that was stolen.

 “The Civic Society will pay for a replacement as it is a little part of our history that we want to keep up.”