Trowbridge Civic Centre is to be lit up in purple on Saturday (January 27) to commemorate the genocide of six million Jewish people in Europe who died before and during the Second World War.

Holocaust Memorial Day is a global memorial to commemorate the victims of the Holocaust in Nazi Germany and across Europe.

January 27 was chosen to commemorate the date when the Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland was liberated by the Russian Red Army in 1945.

Cllr Antonio Piazza said: “This day serves as a poignant reminder of the lives lost to Nazi persecution and subsequent genocides.

“By keeping these painful memories alive, we uphold our duty to ensure that such tragedies are never repeated, fostering a world founded on understanding and kindness.”

He has asked the council to reaffirm its commitment to observing Holocaust Memorial Day following a motion passed by the full council on March 21 last year.

The town’s mayor, Cllr Stephen Cooper, is also expected to publish his personal response, as well as the council lighting a candle in remembrance in the information centre at The Civic.

Trowbridge Town Council is expected to share content regarding the Holocaust on all of its platforms on Holocaust Memorial Day.

Cllr Piazza added: “The only thing that will not happen is the lowering of the flag at half-mast on Holocaust Memorial Day.”