Community groups in Trowbridge are being urged to apply for a slice of more than £22,000 in grants before next week’s deadline expires on February 15.

Cllr Antonio Piazza, the chair of Wiltshire Council’s Trowbridge Area Board, wants to spend the whole amount before his term of office ends.

He has urged individuals and groups to get their applications in before the deadline expires on Thursday, February 15 in time for their next meeting on Thursday, March 14.

Wiltshire Times: Terowbridge Area Board grants can be used to fund local initiatives.Terowbridge Area Board grants can be used to fund local initiatives. (Image: Wiltshire Council)

He said: “Since assuming the role as chair of Wiltshire Council Area Board back in July, we have contributed a total of £50,749.45 to dozens of charities and community groups in the Trowbridge area, from capital projects and infrastructure for playgroups and nurseries, to cancer support groups and defibrillators saving lives.

“We currently have £22,084.55 left in the pot and I would love to be able to say at the end of my term as chairman that I got that down to £0.

“If your organisation needs funding support for an upcoming youth or community area grant project, get your grant application in by Thursday, February 15.

“One of our key contributions includes supporting cancer counselling services, providing essential emotional and psychological support to those affected by cancer.

“This aligns with our goal to enhance healthcare and support services in our community. It is also personally important to me having lost my uncle to cancer last year and knowing my aunty is suffering with it currently.

“Another notable allocation was for the installation of a community defibrillator in memory of Max George.”

Wiltshire Times: Max George, who died on August 22 2022. Image: Kevin GeorgeMax George, who died on August 22 2022. Image: Kevin George (Image: Kevin George)

Thirteen-year-old Max, from Toucan Street, Trowbridge, collapsed at home on August 19 2022 after suffering a Type 1 diabetes-related heart attack.

He was airlifted by the Wiltshire Air Ambulance to the Bristol Children’s Hospital but died there on August 22 2022 after medical experts switched off his life support.

His parents, Kevin and Tara George, have since commissioned a park bench to be installed at the Queen Elizabeth II Field in Trowbridge in his memory and funds were raised for a new community defibrillator.

Cllr Piazza added: “This life-saving equipment is not only a tribute to Max but also a critical resource for our community, potentially saving lives in cases of cardiac emergencies.”

The Trowbridge Area Board has recently awarded £5,000 to Trowbridge Future’s Mill Street Youth Provision, £5,000 towards Trowbridge Town Hall’s Giving Youth a Voice initiative, and £1,805.56 towards The Equivalent Project CIC’s Self-Harm Support Project.

Cllr Piazza added: “In addition to these, we have extended our support to several other charities and initiatives.

“These include funding assistance for Friends of Southwick Country Park, development of a sensory garden at YMCA Green Shoots Nursery, and equipment provision for The Pump Trowbridge.

“Grants were also allocated to Arts Together for projects aiding isolated and vulnerable older people, and several youth support and engagement programs with organisations. 

“Each of these contributions reflects our dedication to improving the quality of life and safety of our residents. 

“We are deeply committed to these causes and will continue to advocate for and support similar initiatives that benefit our community, so I echo the need for further applications.”

Grant applications must demonstrate how they will improve the local communities by addressing priorities and help to deliver to Wiltshire Council's business plan.

Area Board grants are split into four funding schemes: community grants, youth grants, older and vulnerable adult grants and councillor-led initiatives.

To apply, click here to visit the Area Board section of the Wiltshire Council page.