The monitoring officer has dismissed the eighth complaint against a Trowbridge town councillor accused of allegedly breaching its code of conduct.

Wiltshire council announced its decision this month following complaints by a ‘Mister X’ against Cllr Antonio Piazza, who is the Wiltshire and Trowbridge town council member for Drynham ward.

The complaints followed comments made on the Wiltshire Times website dated January 12 relating to Trowbridge Town Council’s recent decisions on its budget for the 2024/25 financial year and its local precept.

The complainant alleged that Cllr Piazza had breached several sections of the town council’s code of conduct, by making false, misleading and disrespectful comments about the council and its staff.

Mister X said the “manner and tone” of how Cllr Piazza responds to members of the public and fellow councillors has caused him “great distress and anger” as a Trowbridge resident and as a supporter of the council’s work.

But they were dismissed by the monitoring officer after Cllr Piazza said the comments being complained about on the Wiltshire Times website were made by another councillor.

Cllr Piazza said the comments he had made were his personal opinions and he had a right under Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights to freely express his opinions.

He said: “It is crucial for a healthy democratic process that councillors can express concerns freely and openly.

“My comments were proportional to the issues at hand. Public figures must be open to scrutiny and discussion, especially on matters of public interest.”

The monitoring officer dismissed the complaints and recommended that no further action be taken.

He said in his decision: “The alleged statements are critical of the council and strongly worded.

“However, forthright criticism of a local authority and its budget management and performance are legitimate aspects of an elected member’s role.

“I do not consider that the statements, or the language used in making them, represent potential breaches of relevant sections of the code. The accuracy of the comments is a subjective matter.”

Afterwards, Cllr Piazza added: “If anyone wishes to add to this record and complain about my work and conduct, then I invite you to please write to

“Regardless of what the complainants think, I will carry on working to improve the quality of life for the people I represent in Trowbridge.”