A Trowbridge law firm is calling for CCTV to be installed in Roundstone Street after vandals smashed its office windows for the fourth time.

The windows at the Rodney House offices of BLB Solicitors have been repeatedly targeted over the past few months causing damage worth more than £2,500 in total.

Now the firm’s managing partner Catherine Smith is calling on Trowbridge Town Council to install CCTV cameras in the area.

She claims it could help Wiltshire Police to catch the suspects they believe may be responsible for the damage.

Catherine said: “We’ve had the windows smashed four times over the last couple of months. The latest attack was overnight two days ago

“It is costing our business dearly to keep getting these smashed panes replaced. It is a Grade II listed building so our hands are a little bit tied in what we can actually do it.”

The law firm came under attack again overnight on Wednesday/Thursday (February 7/8).

It has since boarded up all of its ground-floor windows to prevent them from being smashed again.

The partnership has reported several previous attacks to Wiltshire Police and has had “long conversations” with officers about how to catch those responsible.

The three previous attacks took place overnight on December 2/3, at 5.30pm on December 13, and 7pm on December 17.

Catherine added: “Wiltshire Police have their hands tied because there is no CCTV, so there is no way for them to capture who is actually responsible for this, which is obviously deeply problematic.

“Whoever who is doing this is still on the loose and having a good old time damaging other people’s property.

“We have written to Trowbridge Town Council to say we are really concerned because one of these incidents was at 5.30pm and although our offices were closed we still had staff in.

“This is really concerning because we have got empty units in Trowbridge increasingly and you think where exactly is this going if people don’t feel terribly safe and businesses aren’t able to feel safe.

“It is a worry because it costs our business and it is pretty unsightly having it boarded up. It is pretty horrible inside those rooms at the moment.

“It is a really difficult time for our staff and a worrying time for the businesses around Trowbridge.”

“I don’t see that tying the police’s hands by not providing CCTV over the public areas is really the way to go. It seems to me that it makes the police’s job that much more difficult.”

A Wiltshire Police spokesperson said: “We are investigating a report of criminal damage which occurred at a business premises in Roundstone Street, Trowbridge, overnight on February 7-8.

“We are conducting enquiries including obtaining any CCTV footage from the surrounding area and would urge anyone who witnessed the incident, which involved several windows being smashed, to call 101 and quote crime reference number 54240015548.”

Since the Post Office left its premises in Roundstone Street, the area has been frequented by homeless people who sleep in empty shop and pub doorways and the street has become a ‘no-go’ area for some shoppers.

Ms Smith says it is deterring businesses from coming into the area.

“We have paid separately to have our windows boarded up and it is expensive," she said. "It is money that most of us don’t really want to spend.

“We would rather be spending it on something that benefits our staff and our clients rather than on fixing damage.”

Trowbridge Town Council has been approached for comment.