An illegal food delivery driver was pulled over in Chippenham by Wiltshire Police’s Road Policing Unit.

The driver was spotted delivering unmarked food in a black box on the back of a motorbike on Wednesday, February 28, 2024.

But when pulled over by police, the driver showed officers a fake driving licence, and on further investigation, it was revealed that the driver should have never been riding in the UK at all.

It is unclear where the driver was heading, but one family in Chippenham certainly didn’t receive their dinner that night after the driver’s motorbike was seized by Wiltshire Police.

Officers from the Road Policing Unit described the evening’s work on X (Twitter) as a ‘Whopper Wednesday’, stating that the vehicle was ‘McSeized’.

“A fake driving licence was shown and checks reveal entitlement to ride in the UK has long since expired,” said a spokesperson for Wiltshire Police.

The ongoing patrols throughout Wiltshire form part of Wiltshire Police’s Project Zero, a campaign to crack down on the five major contributors to deaths on the roads in Wiltshire.

These are drink/drug driving, driving without a seatbelt, driving using a mobile phone, speeding and careless driving.