A Wiltshire woman has been left too scared to leave her flat over fears people may be able to access her loft.

Danielle Thomas has slammed her housing association GreenSquareAccord over the state of the communal loft space at her block of flats in Cranesbill Road, Melksham.

Photos show used coffee cups, staining and cigarette butts scattered around the communal space, and the discovery has sparked fears people may be able to access her loft through the space.

Ms Thomas says she has heard movement above her head, making her afraid to leave the flat in case someone can enter it from above.

She has lodged a formal complaint over the issue with the help of Citizens Advice.

GreenSquareAccord insists access to the communal loft space is secure and that her personal loft space is separate from the communal one.

Wiltshire Times: The mess in her communal loftThe mess in her communal loft (Image: Danielle Thomas)

Ms Thomas said: “People have been leaving their coffee mugs around so now I have marks all over my ceiling.

“I think people have been able to enter my part of the loft and have been removing my insulation.

“I haven’t left my house in nearly four months because I’m frightened about people getting in, I’m on edge all the time.”

The Melksham resident has also experienced issues with the electric and heating in the property, claiming she has gone long periods without heating.

Over the last three months, she has reported drops in her electricity supply which have left her often unable to use basic appliances like her kettle and washing machines.

GreenSquareAccord says a gas engineer and supervisor recently attended the flat and found no faults with the boiler.

Minor repairs were reportedly carried out in January to ensure the electricity supply was working properly.

Wiltshire Times: Danielle ThomasDanielle Thomas (Image: Danielle Thomas)

A spokesperson for GreenSquareAccord added: “We are sorry that Ms Thomas is reporting difficulties in her home, and we are committed to working with her until she is satisfied.

“Last month one of our operatives visited her home to check that access to the communal loft space was secure and the lock was still functioning, which we confirmed it was.

“We also reassured Ms Thomas that her loft is separate to the communal loft space and there has been no impact on her electricity supply because of unauthorised access to the space.

“The health and wellbeing of our customers is our top priority.

“Our energy assessor will be contacting Ms Thomas to offer support to ensure her home is as energy efficient as possible.”