More than 30 drivers have been caught speeding by police at a popular Wiltshire tourist destination.

Officers from the Marlborough Policing Team carried out speed checks in and around the Avebury stones on Thursday, March 14.

Despite the roads monitored having speed limits of just 30mph, the fastest vehicles spotted by police during the day were travelling at 50mph, 57mph, and 64mph.

In total, 33 drivers were issued with notices of intended prosecution for excessive speeding.

Three of these drivers will be summoned to court while six will face a £100 fine and receive three points on their license.

Wiltshire Times: Where officers carried out speed checks in AveburyWhere officers carried out speed checks in Avebury (Image: Wiltshire Police)

The remaining 24 motorists will be offered a speed awareness course.

Police warned that excessive speeding poses a danger to local children and other road users.

A spokesperson for the force said: “It is not acceptable to be travelling over the speed limit at any time, especially during the school commute when vulnerable people including children are accessing public transport.

“Also, horses and their riders, cyclists, and tourists not familiar with the roads trying to access the famous Stones of Avebury are at risk.

“Proceedings will now be undertaken to ensure the most appropriate outcome for the offenders takes place.

“Be safe, drive smart and watch your speed.”