PROPOSALS for a revamp of Trowbridge town park that could cost up to £850,000 have moved a step forward.

The council’s neighbourhood services committee voted on Tuesday to back plans to revitalise the park in the centre of the town.

With support from the Town Park working group, officers will now draw up a list of key priorities to be discussed at the full council meeting on Tuesday, May 21.

These will include the reconfiguration of the town pond, additional lighting, refurbishing the bandstand and the mini-golf facility, and a go-wild area.

Wiltshire Times: The derelict Trowbridge Town Park pond will be reconfigured and brought back to life, possibly as part of a go-wild area. Photo: Trevor Porter 70028-1The derelict Trowbridge Town Park pond will be reconfigured and brought back to life, possibly as part of a go-wild area. Photo: Trevor Porter 70028-1 (Image: Trevor Porter 70028-1)

The committee also requested full council to approve plans to submit a borrowing application to the Department for Levelling Up and Housing Communities for up to £850,000 to help pay for the improvements.

The move was welcomed by Conservative councillor Daniel Cave, who has long called for the town council to revitalise the town park.

Cllr Cave said: “Tuesday night marked a pivotal moment for Trowbridge as Trowbridge Town Council finally supported key components of my Trowbridge park revitalisation plan.

“The motion passed during the council meeting signifies a significant stride towards rejuvenating the heart of Trowbridge's community.”

He says the council has committed to enhancing the park experience by upgrading play equipment to ensure greater fun, accessibility and enjoyment for children of all abilities.

Cllr Cave says an exciting makeover of the mini-golf course is on the horizon, accompanied by plans to explore illuminating the course in the evenings, fostering a dynamic late-night economy.

Another top priority in his plan is to restore the allure of the park's pond, breathing new life into this cherished feature of the town’s community.

Transforming the bandstand into a vibrant venue for live music performances will also help revitalise the park, he said.

Cllr Cave added: “These projects are integral to enhancing our town's charm and fostering community engagement."

Residents were asked to put forward their suggestions for improvements last year but the cash-strapped council is unable to commit to progressing some of them.

They included a zip-wire ride, a family-friendly splash pad, an outdoor gym, new adventure play area and outdoor cinema.

Many Trowbridge residents are looking enviously at Bradford on Avon, where the town council has unveiled ambitious plans to upgrade facilities at a revamped Poulton Park.

The improvements in Bradford on Avon will be made as part of a phased approach as the council cannot afford to make them all right now.