Residents have one week left to register to vote in the Wiltshire and Swindon Police and Crime Commissioner election.

The deadline to register is midnight on Tuesday, April 16 and the election will take place on Thursday, May 2.

The Police and Crime Commissioner is responsible for overseeing the work of Wiltshire Police, holding the Chief Constable to account and commissioning key services for community safety and victim support.

The 2021 election was re-run at the expected cost of £1.5m after the initial winner, Councillor Jonathon Seed, withdrew when a historical driving conviction came to light.

Philip Wilkinson has held the role ever since and recently said he believed the force was delivering value for money.

The proportion of council tax destined for policing services will be increased by 5.1 per cent next year, the maximum amount allowed without holding a referendum.

The vote will determine the Commissioner for the next four years and those wishing to have their say should register in the next week.

Residents who have recently moved house or changed name should complete a new application.

The location of the polling stations will be indicated on the poll cards and voters will require a photo ID.