Vice-Chair of Wiltshire Police and Crime Panel and Chair of Build a Better Swindon Committee, Councillor Stanka Adamcova is standing to become your next Police and Crime Commissioner.

We have had 12 years of Conservative Police and Crime Commissioners in Wiltshire. Under their watch Wiltshire Police has been put in special measures and labelled ‘inadequate’. Nearly half of residents believe that the police don’t deal with their local concerns.

It is time for change.

If you vote for me as the Labour and Co-operative party’s candidate, I will:

  • Deliver effective neighbourhood policing

  • Fight the epidemic of knife crime

  • Vision ‘Zero Approach’ to road safety to eliminate all road fatalities and serious injuries

  • Combat violence against women and girls

  • Stand up for rural communities

  • Reduce retail crime and anti-social behaviour

I came to England in 2009 and wanted to give something back to this country that is now my home. I grew up in a village in Slovakia, where my father has a farm and my mother served as a local Councillor. My parents taught me the values of hard work, humility and honesty and they have formed my sense of duty and my moral compass.

My vision is to build a better future for our children and grandchildren and make our communities safe. I want our communities to rely on the police service again.

When I speak to you about crime and policing, I often hear the question “What is the point of calling the police?”.  After 12 years of Conservatives, trust in police is at its lowest levels.

Vote for me on May 2nd as your next Police and Crime Commissioner and I will restore trust in our police service, by working with the Chief Constable, holding her to account and ensuring that Wiltshire Police is taken out of special measures.

I welcome Labour’s national commitment to recruit a further 13,000 neighbourhood officers. I will fight to ensure Wiltshire Police gets its fair share of additional officers.

Read my manifesto at: I want to hear from you. Email me: or call me on 07809 692046.