A Mini driver who was caught texting behind the wheel on Wiltshire's roads has been punished by police.

The white Mini was stopped in Devizes on May 10 because the driver was using their mobile phone.

A Wiltshire Police spokesperson wrote on X: “Six points and £200 is an expensive text."

Meanwhile, motorcyclist had their bike seized after they came over to talk to the police.

A Wiltshire road policing unit shared on May 10 that they pulled over a motorbike for not having insurance.

The rider’s partner tried talking with the police, but checks found that they did not have insurance either. Both had their bikes seized.


A Wiltshire Police spokesperson said: “Road policing unit with a buy one get one free on seizures.

“The partner of the first rider arrived to converse with us and checks revealed they also didn’t have insurance.”

The same day, another driver was also travelling without insurance.

The BMW was stopped in Trowbridge. The driver was found to only have a provisional license and to be travelling alone for work without the correct insurance.

The car was seized and the driver was reported.