A Wiltshire drug dealer has been jailed after plain clothes police officers swooped to arrest him.

Lukasz Rogal, 40, of Union Street in Trowbridge, was sentenced to two years in prison at Salisbury Crown Court after pleading guilty to possession with intent to supply cocaine and heroin.

Rogal was arrested in Church Street on Friday, April 12 after plain clothes police officers received reports of anti-social behaviour and drug use in the area.

During targeted patrols, officers witnessed what they believed to be a drug deal and arrested Rogal.

READ MORE: Plain-clothes police break up town centre 'drug deal'

Wiltshire Times: Plain clothes police arrested a man in Trowbridge

Sergeant Charly Chilton said: "This is a case where the community has worked really well with police.

“We know that drug dealing is something which causes great harm to our communities across Wiltshire and these drugs dealers have no thought or regard to the misery they are creating.

"If you have information about drug dealing or suspicious activity in your community please report it to us. 

"No matter how small the piece of information is, it will be recorded and used to build up a bigger intelligence picture that officers can then act on.”

He was also ordered to pay a £228 surcharge.

Crimes can be reported to Wiltshire Police by calling 101 or visiting their website.

Alternatively, Crimestoppers can be contacted anonymously on 0800 555 111.