EXCITING plans to revitalise Trowbridge Town Park have taken a further step forward this week.

On Tuesday, May 21, town councillors approved plans to request a £850,000 loan from the government’s Department of Levelling Up Housing and Communities.

The loan will be used to help restore the town park pond, install additional lighting and refurbish the historic art-deco bandstand for live music performances.

It will also be used to upgrade the nine-hole mini golf course, create a ‘Go Wild’ pathway and to enhance the children’s play area to make it more inclusive.

Council officers are also exploring the possibility of installing a zip-wire line near the fenced play area for older children to use.

Welcoming the decision, Cllr Daniel Cave said: “Trowbridge Town Council has taken a significant step forward with the Town Park Revitalisation Plan, now officially recognised as a working document. 

"This crucial funding decision marks an important milestone in bringing the revitalisation plan to fruition. I am delighted that Trowbridge Council has finally listened to the public's needs and aspirations."

The council’s application for a Public Works Loan was approved to fund the initial project costs. It will be repaid using Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funds from nearby housing developments.

The decision to ask for a loan follows extensive consultation and feedback from residents on what improvements they would like to see in the park.

Cllr Stephen Cooper, the chair of the Town Park Working Group, said: "Many councillors over many years have had a hand in making suggestions as to what to do in the park, particularly regarding the bandstand and the pond.

"Some suggestions were received from the public prior to the formation of the Town Park Working Group last summer. All were then taken to the council’s Town Park Working group for consideration."

The town council has already applied to Wiltshire Council to locate a £90,000 toilet block in the park and is awaiting its decision. If approved, it would replace toilets demolished in 2019.

Cllr David Vigar, a member of the Town Park Working Group, said: “Stephen Cooper has worked incredibly hard with council officers to draw up a detailed report which provides a blueprint for the renewal of Trowbridge Park.

"He has personally put in long hours on this with great attention to detail and he and the council staff involved deserve the credit."