Wiltshire’s Labour candidates have weighed in on the general election announcement.

After Rishi Sunak declared the date as Thursday, July 4, candidates hoping to represent constituencies across Wiltshire in parliament have renewed their campaign efforts.

East Wiltshire’s Labour candidate, Rob Newman, said: “People are rightly cynical about politics, because over the last few years, all it has done is let them down.

“Voters have been disgusted by scandal after scandal, and watched aghast as Conservative chaos has hit them hard.

Wiltshire Times: Labour candidate for Melksham and Devizes, Kerry Postlewhite (left) and Labour candidate for East

“We’ve had Boris Johnson’s partying in Number 10, Liz Truss’ hit to mortgages, and Rishi Sunak’s inability to fix the problems the country faces.

“I know many people feel that politicians have forgotten that they are there to serve the public and to get things done.

“I’m determined that if voters put their trust in me at this election, they will get a decent, hard-working MP who puts them first. Politics should be about service.

“That’s why I’ve announced five commitments today which will ensure that, in East Wiltshire, we do politics differently.

“After 14 years of Conservative decline – after all the exhausting mess of the last few years – it’s now finally time for you to have your say.

“Now is the moment to turn the page and choose a fairer economy, a rescued NHS, stronger defence, and a restored environment.

“Even if you’ve never voted Labour before, now is the time for change.

“Vote Labour on 4 July and let’s get Britain’s future back.”

Meanwhile, Labour's candidate for the new constituency of Melksham and Devizes, Kerry Postlewhite, said: "It's time for change across Britain and in the Melksham and Devizes constituency.

“This is a chance to turn the page on 14 years of Conservative chaos.

“Time and again, this government has pursued its own interests rather than tackling the issues that affect you and your families.

“They've left the country worse off than when they started: dental appointments as rare as hens' teeth, sewage pumped into our rivers, mortgages through the roof.

“Together we can stop this. Together, in Britain and in this constituency we can rebuild."

The candidate for South West Wiltshire, Evelyn Akoto, said: "After 14 years of Tory chaos and five incompetent prime ministers, our country is on its knees.

"Mortgages and food prices are through the roof, NHS waiting lists are unbearable, our rivers are polluted, and violent crime goes unpunished.

"While the Tories bicker in Westminster, Labour has a plan to fix the NHS, stabilize the economy, reduce energy prices, and tackle crime.

"South West Wiltshire needs a fresh approach, and only Labour can beat the Tories here to deliver the change we desperately need.

"I will be a visible MP, fighting day and night for our community.

"South West Wiltshire’s  trust in Labour will bring the change we deserve."

The Labour Party has yet to announce a candidate for Chippenham.