THE chairman of a Wiltshire parish council says he hopes plans to build up to 180 new homes at Hilperton will be refused.

There are fears plans to build up to 180 new homes on farmland between Hilperton and Staverton could bring more congestion to the roads.

Housebuilder Barratt Homes wants to build between 160 and 180 homes on green fields at Maxcroft Farm next to The Nursery on Marsh Road on the north side of Hilperton.

Ernie Clark, chairman of Hilperton Parish Council, believes there is no longer any need for the housing proposed by Barratt Homes.

Cllr Clark said: “It is still under consideration. I am not sure what is holding it up.

“I have called in the application but I understand that Wiltshire Council’s highways department officials are concerned about access at the mini-roundabout close to the Kings Head pub.”

He says that since Wiltshire’s housing land supply needs were reduced from five years to 4.6 years, the homes are no longer required.

The mini-roundabout close to the Kings Head pub could see a huge increase in traffic if the new homes are approved and built. Image: Trevor Porter 69928-2The mini-roundabout close to the Kings Head pub could see a huge increase in traffic if the new homes are approved and built. Image: Trevor Porter 69928-2 (Image: Trevor Porter)

The site is not allocated for housing in the Hilperton Neighbourhood Plan and is outside the village boundary.

Three parish councils in Hilperton, Staverton and Holt, and scores of residents have objected strongly to the proposals.

They fear an “unacceptable” increase in traffic through Hilperton to Staverton and Holt and across the flood plain at the B3105 causeway.

Staverton said: “Staverton Parish Council strongly objects to this development as the traffic on the B3105 is at full capacity as HGVs and traffic from Bath and Bradford on Avon is redirected through Staverton and there will be additional traffic generated from the development at Weavers Meadow and planned housing in Hilperton.

“The River Avon bridge regularly floods closing the road. The schools and local facilities are at full capacity. It will be misery for everyone using this stretch of road and we urge Wiltshire Council to reject this application.”

Holt said: “Holt Parish Council strongly object to this because this development would bring a significant increase of traffic through Holt which is already struggling with volume of traffic.”

Despite plans to build a further 2,600 new homes in the area, Barratt Homes hopes to gain outline planning permission in 2024 before submitting detailed plans in 2025. It hopes to start building the new homes in 2026.

Cllr Nick Botterill, Wiltshire Council's Cabinet Member for Strategic Planning, said: "We are awaiting further information from the applicant who wishes to respond to comments made on the application before a decision is taken. This may result in the submission of revised plans and a new public consultation.

"Wiltshire Council as the local planning authority will then consider the application in accordance with relevant policies and legislation.”

Wiltshire Council is due to decide the application by August 29.