Two puzzles for readers to help with this week: how many of the people on these pictures can you name?

The photo above was brought in by reader Derrick Weston, of Trowbridge, and shows his class at the former Margaret Stancomb School on British Road, Trowbridge, taken in 1938/1939.

He is the fifth child from the right on the second row, and remembers the teacher was possibly Miss Keeping – are you among his classmates or can you put names to any of these faces?

Below is a shot of some footballers from the old Nelson Haden School in Trowbridge, members of the second football team from the 1952/53 season, brought in by Maurice Baker.

He is pictured second from the left on the front row, and can identify teammates Roger Easton, fourth left front row, ? Barnett, third left back row, David Stafford fourth left, back row and Graham Jupp, right hand side, back row. Who are the other players?

l With Christmas approaching, if any readers have pictures of Christmas festivities from the past, particularly those showing works Christmas parties, we would love to publish them.