Yesterday I attended a Trowbridge Town Council meeting called by the town clerk. Also in attendance were my fellow councillors, Bob Brice, Glyn Bridges, Peter Fuller, Graham Hedley and John Knight. At the end of the meeting we unanimously agreed that the rebuilding and enlargement of Trowbridge Civic Hall, to house all our services and provide first class entertainment facilities, should be the council’s main priority for the coming year.

We committed ourselves to deliver this without increasing Trowbridge council tax more than the rate of inflation.

On my way home I bought a copy of the Wiltshire Times. Turning to the Letters page, what do I see – Cllr Knight attacking the essence of this decision – which he had just agreed to – and advocating spending money on the failed town hall project.

No wonder people despair of politicians and accuse them of facing every which way.

If Cllr Knight is really in favour of resurrecting the town hall scheme, please can he at least be honest and tell us just how much he is prepared to increase Trowbridge council tax to pay for embarking on this folly once again.

Jeff Osborn, Mayor of Trowbridge.