This letter is in reference to an article in your newspaper dated January 22.

The headline being “Son’s jail sentences like bereavement, says mum.” What a completely ridiculous thing to say. Has she no idea what bereavement feels like? If she does she wouldn’t have made such a comment.

Her sons committed a crime which she knows they have to be punished for; six months in prison, they will probably only serve three months, she can have contact with them via letter, phone calls and visits, it will be as though they’ve just moved to another place for a short time.

When someone you love passes away there is no contact with them again whatsoever. All there is is a complete and utter sense of loss that nothing or nobody can ever change. With her sons being in prison, at least they are going to walk through her door again, laugh again, smile again, give her a hug and a kiss again. She has all that to look forward to. What do loved ones of somebody that’s passed away have? Memories, no contact, nothing. She has a future with her sons, things to look forward to.

Such a very selfish comment, people should think before they speak and if they can’t think, don’t speak. How on earth can you possibly compare prison to bereavement? All the people that have lost loved ones are possibly thinking they would rather their loved ones be in prison than never hear or see them again.

To say I am annoyed is an understatement, and I would imagine several other people are to. Have some compassion and understanding for the bereaved please.

Louise Bishell, Oldfield Park, Westbury.