After reading last week's Wiltshire Times might I suggest that the MP for West Wiltshire, Dr Andrew Murrison, change the name of his column On life in Wiltshire and at Westminster to The view from Conservative Party HQ.

As much as free speech is to be cherished is it right that Dr Murrison is allowed to use his ostensibly unbiased column as a vehicle for blatant electioneering?

This paper claims its editorial policy to be independent of political parties, private interest and Government, and to provide readers with a fair and balanced news and information service.

Might I ask, in the interests of fairness and balance, from now on will spokespersons of all other political parties be given equal column space in this newspaper?

Michael Bloomfield, Tudor Drive, Trowbridge.

I feel as Mr Murrison is the sitting MP his views are of interest. Of course he is going to toe the Tory line, he is a Conservative, which is what the people of his constituency voted for.

Gary Lawrence, editor.