Sometimes in life the only way to go is up and that's certainly true if you feel your home is bursting at the seams.

Perhaps there's been a new addition to the family, or maybe you've started working from home: converting a loft or attic into a room might just offer you all the extra space you'll need.

In theory, loft conversions are a simple way of creating more room in your home, as well as being infinitely less stressful and generally less expensive than moving. The average conversion costs approximately one-third of the cost of moving to a property with an extra room and well carried out, it could add considerable value to your property.

Pip Schouten, B&Q's DIY expert, says: "With the increasing costs of moving, people are trying to make the most of their existing space so building a loft conversion is definitely something we're seeing more of. "With the recent trend of home working, we're finding more people are using their loft conversions as an office, but the space is also being used as playrooms or extra spare bedrooms."

There's more to converting a loft than simply laying floorboards loft conversions are governed by a series of building regulations that must be strictly adhered to. Before beginning any major project, make sure you've covered the basics. Check with your local authority to see if you need planning permission.

The key to deciding whether your loft can be converted is its height, which should be at least 2.4m.