A move by Bradford on Avon Town Council to set up a footbridge review group came under fire at a meeting on Tuesday.

Members of residents’ campaign group Bradford Bridge Concern claimed that as proposed the membership of the stakeholders’ group would be unbalanced in favour of the council’s original cable-stay design.

They were also concerned that the council was continuing with work on footings for the bridge, and on reaching the tendering stage, after a parish poll on April 22 called for the bridge to be put on hold so a cheaper alternative can be found.

Responding to the concerns, Cllr Vicky Landell Mills said: “We intend to proceed with the footings as adaptable for any bridge. If they are not adaptable it will have to come before the next town council meeting.

“With the resolution we wanted to provide a vehicle for discussion, which has worked before with the Kingston Mills development.

“It will allow people to come and put forward ideas, but bring in the various financial, planning and environmental constraints. They are statutory constraints, not fanciful.

“People have come forward with some ideas for nice bridges, but they wouldn’t have been appropriate on that site.”

Cllr Landell Mills said the council is seeking advice on whether footings could be used by any bridge, and will review the resolution to set up the group at the annual town council meeting on Tuesday.

Any amendments made to the resolution and passed then will have to stand for at least six months.