NINE orphaned ducklings rescued by a family from Melksham in April are able to spread their wings once more after they were released back into the wild.

The Blackmore family, of Bowerhill, Melksham, contacted The Wiltshire Times after seeing the mother duck and one of her young run over by a car on a busy road. The family took the baby birds in and put them in the bath, then contacted the Wiltshire Wildlife Hospital to ask what to do.

A temporary home was found with Wiltshire Wildlife Hospital volunteer, Nick Hayman, in Warminster, who looked after them with his wife at home. They were then transferred to Mike and Marilyn Korkis at the hospital in Newton Tony near Amesbury, where they were hand reared and released back into the wild when they were strong enough.

Mr Korkis said: "They all survived and they have all gone out into the wild through a special release site. "We don't put them back where they came from because they can be picked on by adult ducks."

The hospital takes in all kinds of wild animals who are injured or orphaned and rehabilitates them until they are ready to go back into the wild. They are on call 24 hours a day for advice or for rescues and are often used by the police, vets, the RSPCA and other rescue organisations.

The hospital is funded through membership subscriptions and donations.

  • Mr Hayman has helped organise a fun day at the Wiltshire Wildlife Hospital in Newton Tony on August 20. The day will include stalls and attractions and visitors will also have the opportunity to learn more about the work that the charity does.

The Wild Things Res-Q Fun Day is from 10am to 4pm at New Farm in Amesbury Road, Newton Tony and entrance is by donation. For more information call the Wiltshire Wildlife Hospital on (01980) 629470.