CHILDREN explored a Trowbridge nature trail and made wood sculptures as they learned about the environment during a school trip.

Year Six children from Paxcroft Primary School headed to the Biss Meadows Country Park for an outdoor adventure day.

The session last Friday was organised by the Friends of Biss Meadows Country Park and activities were run by Leo Wirtz, the senior countryside ranger for Wiltshire Council.

Jacky Good, chairman of the friends group, said: “We had around 30 children with us for the morning and they had great fun making all sorts of animal sculptures from the wood of trees that had naturally fallen nearby.

“They all had such a good time and the weather was good for us.”

The group is preparing to submit an application for a £50,000 grant from the Big Lottery Fund.

The pupils have helped organisers to collect research into who uses the park.

The group wants to use the grant money to make the pond area more accessible for disabled users, with a new wooden platform and horseshoe-style seating to accommodate large groups of school children on visits.

The plans could pave the way for an amphitheatre for drama beside the pond.