CORSHAM will hit lightspeed and be sent into outer space when the town is taken over by aliens on Saturday, robots and Timelords for its fourth annual Sci-Fi Family Funday.

The event, at Corsham Community Centre and Springfield Leisure Centre, will welcome an out-of-this -world guest list of stars from the big and small screens.

They include Red Dwarf leads Chris Barrie and Danny John-Jules, Star Wars actors Richard LeParmentier and Jermone Blake and Doctor Who favourites Colin Baker and Nicola Bryant.

The famous faces will be taking part in question and answer sessions, allowing fans to discover more about their favourite shows.

There will be a raffle, film displays and a memorabilia auction, and money raised will go to the charities Wiltshire Young Carers Project, the British Heart Foundation, 16-30 PHAB and Marie Curie Cancer Care.

Admission costs £3 for adults and £2 for under-16s. Enthusiasts are being encouraged to wear fancy dress for the festival.

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