A former pupil of St Laurence’s school is to be remembered by her fellow classmates of 1982 with a two-day reunion.

The event will mark 30 years since the class of 1982 left the Bradford on Avon school and was sparked by the death last year of political activist Laura Bruni, neé Coulter.

The event is being organised by Nina Stiddard, 48, the deputy head of Dilton Marsh Primary School.

Mrs Stiddard, who lives in Dilton Marsh, said: “There are two reasons for the reunion.

“Firstly, it is the 30th year, since we left, which is a big milestone and secondly, the thing which really prompted us was the death of one of our year, Laura Bruni, formerly, Coulter.

“We saw her obituary in The Guardian and the fact she had died so young really hit us.”

A reunion disco will be held on Saturday for former students of Fitzmaurice Grammar School between 1975 and 1980 and St Laurence between 1980 and 1982.

The pupils who left St Laurence in 1982, aged 18, were the school’s first sixth form intake following the closure of Fitzmaurice Grammar School in 1980 and the merger with Trinity Secondary Modern.

The disco will be followed by a catch-up picnic open to teachers and parents at Barton Farm Country Park, between noon and 5pm on Sunday.

So far, 39 people have confirmed they will attend, with former students flying in from as far a field as America and Australia.

Most of the class of ’82 have been tracked down through social media websites, but some are proving elusive.

Mrs Stiddard said: “It is a strange balance as our age range is probably on the cusp of people being very active on Facebook and those who are a bit clueless.

“Often when I’m in Bradford on Avon, I see people who look like parents of some of my old friends from school, but I don’t really know if it is definitely them, so I haven’t gone up and told them about the event.

“But we’d like to get as many people to the reunion as possible, so we’d love to hear from those who we haven’t found yet.”

For more information, visit www.fitzlaur8082.com.