With press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders announcing she is standing down from he role at the White House, we take a look at some of the other high-ranking officials who have departed from the Trump administration – either voluntarily or by being sacked by the president.

— April 8, 2019: Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen.

— December 20: Defence Secretary James Mattis resigns from the Trump administration a day after the president said he was withdrawing troops from Syria. Although General Mattis was expected to serve until the February, Mr Trump named a replacement via Twitter just a few days later.

— December 15: Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke.

— December 9: White House chief of staff John Kelly will leave at end of 2018.

— November 7: US attorney general Jeff Sessions resigns as the country’s chief law enforcement officer, saying the move came “at Mr Trump’s request”.

— October 9: Mr Trump announces UN Ambassador Nikki Haley’s resignation, effective at end of the year.

— August 29: The president announces that White House counsel Don McGahn would leave sometime in the autumn.

— July 5: Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt

— June 5: Communications aide Kelly Sadler

— April 12: Deputy national security adviser Ricky Waddell

— April 11: Deputy national security adviser Nadia Schadlow

— April 10: Homeland security adviser Tom Bossert

— March 28: Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin

— March 22: National security adviser HR McMaster

— March 13: Secretary of State Rex Tillerson

Who has left Trump’s White House
(PA Graphics)

— March 12: Special assistant and personal aide to the president John McEntee

— March 6: Economic adviser Gary Cohn

— February 28: Communications director Hope Hicks

— February 7: Staff secretary Rob Porter

— December 13, 2017: Communications director for the White House Office of Public Liaison Omarosa Manigault Newman

— December 8, 2017: Deputy national security adviser Dina Powell

— September 29, 2017: Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price

— August 25, 2017: National security aide Sebastian Gorka

— August 18, 2017: Chief strategist Steve Bannon

Steve Bannon
Steve Bannon behind White House senior adviser Jared Kushner and then-chief of staff Reince Priebus (Stefan Rousseau/PA)

— July 31, 2017: Communications director Anthony Scaramucci

— July 28, 2017: Chief of staff Reince Priebus

— July 21, 2017: Press secretary Sean Spicer

— May 30, 2017: Communications director Michael Dubke

— May 9, 2017: FBI Director James Comey

— March 30, 2017: Deputy chief of staff Katie Walsh

— February 13, 2017: National security adviser Michael Flynn