Michael Flynn said he felt that his tweaks to the game plan enabled his players to put on a great display which earned a 2-1 victory over Mansfield Town.

Town moved from their normal 3412 towards more of a 3511 for the visit of the previously undefeated Mansfield as they looked to end their defensive woes, using Kinsella and Khan as a double pivot to create greater solidity, leaving George McEachran and Dan Kemp with more freedom to be creative higher up.

Kemp's new role in the new set-up was to play more as a trequartista, in between a striker and attacking midfielder, and pick up space all over the field, although nominally playing close to Jake Young.

Flynn explained that he was hoping to provide Kemp with more space by giving him a role that made it more difficult for the opposition to give him an increased focus.

He said: “He [Kemp] has been used to getting man-marked lately and being doubled up on or even tripled up on because he has been that effective.

“Today with that little bit of movement where you are not upfront and not in the ten position, he could float between both.

“The centre-back wouldn’t want to go in there and leave big holes in behind and if the midfielders don’t communicate right, he is going to find space off the shoulder.

“It was a game plan, it makes me the tactician of the week, but it has worked and some you win and some you don’t.”

Flynn said he felt his game plan had worked well in the game, but it required the dogged displays of his two defensive midfielders to shut down the Stags.

He said: “I thought they were all really good, you know Kinsella is an unsung hero, he does all the dog work, he is not the most creative of players, but he is as honest as they come and he will give everything.

“He might only be three-foot-four, but he has the heart of a lion, he jumps in, he will challenge anybody in the air, and he would tackle his own grandmother if I asked him to. He is that kind of kid.

“Saidou [Khan] was brilliant, back to his best today. I thought the way he dictated the play and broke through the lines into the final third was excellent.

“Those two were solid today.”