TEENAGER Hannah Gale was presented with the Baden Powell Award at the 1st Studley St John's Guides Open Evening last Tuesday.

She was presented with the award by west Wiltshire Division Commissioner Fran Westlake and is the highest award a guide can gain.

There are five zones and the guides have to complete 10 clauses including healthy lifestyles, global awareness, discovery, skills and relationships and celebrating diversity.

Hannah organized a sponsored run for the Guides who raised money for Stepping Stones, attended a national CEO Camp, held a coffee evening to raise funds for her BP Adventure, learnt about the UN Convention, a global issue, and disabilities.

Hannah also organized a cooking challenge for the Guides.

Jane Margetts the leader of Studley Guides congratulated Hannah and spoke of her involvement in Guides since she was 10, she has entered fully into the life of the unit and has been an excellent patrol leader and role model to the younger Guides.

The evening also included a celebration cake and a film show of the unit activities over the last year and a sing song of our favourite camp songs.