Residents in Trowbridge are being urged to comment on revised plans by Redrow Homes to build up to 248 new homes at Elm Grove.

The housing developer has submitted an amendment to Wiltshire Council for its application to build the new development on the farmland site.

The company says it has added one more two-bedroomed home to the development and is now planning to build 11 one-bedroom homes, 38 two-bedroomed homes, 96 three-bedroomed homes and 103 four-bedroomed homes.

Up to 72 of the 248 properties will be affordable homes, which equates to 29 per cent provision in line with the Section 106 legal agreement.

The mix has been changed to provide more two and three-bedroomed homes to meet demand for these type of properties.

READ MORE: Exciting plans to revitalise Trowbridge Town Park move a step forward

Wiltshire Times: The proposed site layout for Redrow Homes' housing development at Elm Grove. The proposed site layout for Redrow Homes' housing development at Elm Grove. (Image: Place By Design / Redrow Homes)

Now one of the Wiltshire and Trowbridge Town Council ward members for Drynham, Cllr Antonio Piazza, is urging people to comment on the amendments.

He said the revised plans include important changes to the planning application following Redrow Homes taking into account feedback from Wiltshire Council officers and residents.

Cllr Piazza said: “To reassure residents, I have checked and can confirm that my call-in form and your existing comments on the portal will be taken into consideration by the caseworker.

“However, I would encourage all residents to comment again on the new plans that have been submitted.

“I would also strongly recommend that residents refer to the Wiltshire Core Strategy when making their comments to evidence their points.”

The important changes to the planning application that residents have managed to secure include the removal of the proposed footpath behind Lydiard Way to protect the privacy of existing homeowners.

Details of the proposed changing rooms for the Queen Elizabeth II playing fields have been removed from the reserved matters application to enable further talks about the building’s form and function.

Other changes include:

  • Cycle Lane Changes: a segregated off-road cycle path is proposed instead of a shared path;
  • Housing Mix Adjustments: increased proportion of three-bed houses, adding one more affordable home;
  • Changing Rooms: removed from current plans for further consultation with Trowbridge Town Council;
  • Design Improvements: enhanced urban design and tree planting;
  • Turning Head Modification: reduced width access into the development to prevent anti-social behaviour and fly tipping;
  • Flood Mitigation Measures: improved culverts and channels for better flood management.

To comment on the plan visit the planning application section of the Wiltshire Council website and use the reference number PL/2022/09425.