The Mayor of Bradford on Avon has asked for a meeting with Wiltshire Council following the results of a £50,000 traffic modelling study.

Bradford on Avon Town Council recently conducted a public engagement exercise, which closed on Sunday, May 12, to gain feedback on the study.

The council is awaiting the full results of public feedback on the traffic modelling study, to which it contributed two-thirds (£33,350) of the cost.

Now Cllr Jack Vittles has written to the Wiltshire Council cabinet members for Transport and Assets, and Highways, Street Scene and Flooding on the town council’s behalf.

In his letter, Cllr Vittles requested a meeting between the two cabinet members, Cllrs Nick Holder and Tamara Reay, and all town councillors about the future of transport in Bradford on Avon.

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Wiltshire Times: Bradford on Avon Mayor Cllr Jack Vittles has written to Wiltshire Council asking for a meeting to

His letter also asks for answers to questions about the recent traffic modelling report, posed by town councillors and residents at their full council meeting on Tuesday, May 7.

The traffic modelling study was jointly funded by the town council and Wiltshire Council and aims to solve the town's decades-long traffic problems.

It specifically wants to address three issues highlighted by residents: air quality, improve safety for pedestrians and cyclists, and traffic volumes which have led to delays and congestion.

The study proposed three potential solutions:

▪ Option A - Market Street and Silver Street One-way

▪ Option B - Pinch Point Priority Narrowing

▪ Option C - Silver Street One-way & Market Street Priority Narrowing

The consultants AtkinsRealis recommended the councils to adopt Option C, an amalgamation of Options A and B.

Cllr Vittles said: “There are concerns the modelling report does not sufficiently address one of our three priorities (traffic volume), are there any further measures you can suggest to address this priority for the town?

“Is there a wider Wiltshire/BANES transport strategy and long-term plan to reduce traffic in all of the towns in Wiltshire with traffic induced poor air quality? Or is there any prospect of such a plan being developed?”

“We look forward to your response and our future meeting, and to working with you to find a way forward to help alleviate this decades-long issue in Bradford on Avon.”

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The letter asked for clarification on the use of bus gates and future scheduling issues, and potential options for trialling any of the three schemes outlined in the study.

Cllr Nick Holder, cabinet member for highways, said: “We are happy to meet with Bradford on Avon Town Council to discuss the options to resolve the longstanding traffic problems in the town.

“However, as we have been clear throughout this process, the town council – which commissioned the traffic modelling study and has held several local engagement events – needs to tell us which of the options set out in the study they’d like to proceed with.

“Once we know which option the town council would like to take forward, we can then look at how it can be realised.”